README ------ Andre Beckedorf < evilJazz AT katastrophos DOT net > DISCLAIMER ---------- Everything in this directory is provided AS IS without any WARRANTY or LIABILITIY of any kind implicitly or explicitly whatsoever. In other words: IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG, IT'S YOUR FAULT, NOT MINE! PREREQUISITES ------------- In order to build QScrobbler, you'll need a working Qtopia or Qt3 SDK, a working cross-compiler setup and the usual build tools (make, binutils etc). For Qtopia and Zaurus development, Sharp's cross-compiler environment (see below) will work okay. You'll also need ccache for accelerated consecutive compilations. Most project files rely on ccache. If you don't want to use it, just modify the project file and remove the ccache calls. Here are the cross-compiler environments I've used to build QScrobbler: Qtopia / SharpROM: ------------------ My mirror: Qt3 / pdaXrom: -------------- My mirror: The "distro" directory contains two example scripts "" and "" that will setup the environment variables for both cross-compilers. MANUAL BUILD ------------ For Qtopia use the following command to create a Makefile: tmake > Makefile For pdaXrom use this command to create the Makefile: qmake For native X11 compilation use this: qmake If the Makefile was created successfully, do a simple make to create the "qscrobbler" binary. AUTOMATIC BUILD via ---------------------------------- The included script "" will take care of automatically building the software. Make sure to setup both cross-compiler environments correctly before proceeding. Included are two files "" and "" that set the necessary environment variables. You'll probably need to adjust them and the "" script to work on your machine. If everything works as expected, you should have two IPK files waiting for you in the distro/output directory.